Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I want to apologize, as the phone rang during my podcast. Note to self, turn off the ringer on phone before begining a podcast.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Privacy is a major concern, and it can be hard to determine how much information is too much. Some services ask for minimal amounts of personal information, while others ask for far too much. As a young child, or even a student in your teens, it can be hard to discriminate between the necessary and unnecessary questions many social networks, websites and Internet resources ask for. I even find it difficult sometimes to distinguish between the two. Knock on wood, I have been fortunate and not lost much of my privacy without my own divulgence. Or have I?
Many young people enjoy the social networking sites Facebook and My Space, they would spend hours chatting and changing their personal settings if allowed. I completely understand the draw to these sites, as I too have a Facebook account. I am aware that everything I post on that site reflects me as a person and anyone in my network has the ability to see what I’ve posted, and so do people in their network and so. The scariest part about it, is that agencies, government mostly are probably storing all my interests, hobbies and connections I have. I can’t image being 13 and already having a government profile based off of adolescent ramblings and conversations.
Again it is our role as educators, parents and loved ones to ensure that we work with our students and children when registering for web resources and web 2.0 applications. Privacy Playground is an online game sponsored by the Media Awareness Network that’s goal is to “teach kids how to spot online marketing strategies, protect their personal information and avoid online predators.” This site would be a good follow up to a classroom discussion on Internet privacy.
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a resource guide for parents and other adults on the issue of children’s safety and online privacy. It discusses safety tips, how and what people are marketing to teens, and has a resource section just for teens. The site’s goal is to educate adults, sot that information can be passed on between parents and children in a continuous conversation about Internet and website privacy.
Ethical Issues
When I think of the words Ethic and Technology together I immediately think of illegal downloading and copyright infringement. Technology has given us the ability to get any software program, DVD, or music files we want. It is imperative that students and our colleagues know what is acceptable to copy and what is not. Now that I’m writing this the two of these are not all that different, they encompass each other, and yet are different just the same.
Illegal downloading obviously is the distribution of most typically copyrighted material. Although the act of illegal downloading can be an ethical conflict one has with one’s self. I’m sure most people think of saving money when they illegally download or burn a copy of software or music. I know that’s what has been an ethical bridge I’ve crossed many times, and imagine will only be crossing it more and more often as technology advances. This must hold true for our students and children. If I have these same debates with myself, some of them may be as well. Again this is why it is imperative that this discussion come be introduced; otherwise it’s easy for them to say, “Oh, we didn’t know that.” After all, knowledge is power. I thought this site was cute, it lists the ten commandments for computer ethics, http://web.archive.org/web/20001017184124/wise.fau.edu/netiquette/net/ten.html . This would be easy to turn into a lesson with students, and have them come up with the commandments, or guidelines. Another site that has a vast amount of information on computers and ethics is http://web.archive.org/web/20021001132342/www.ciolek.com/WWWVLPages/QltyPages/QltyEtiq.html.
Copyright infringement happens all the time. Some individuals don’t even think twice about copying a picture from Google Images or another search engine. I’ll admit I’m guilty of it. I believe many are ill informed, and don’t really understand the consequences of these actions. Copyright and plagiarism is one of the most likely crimes to be overlooked. It’s not overlooked because no one cares, but technology has brought so much information to our fingertips, it is often difficult to know if what someone wrote is original or based of another individuals work. Students and educators alike need to be taught and reminded of the ethical issue plagiarism and copyright infringement can produce. Here are some sites that delve into copyright and fair use in more detail, Copyright Bay and Digital Citizenship.
Copyright Bay uses a watery bay to describe different aspects of copyright law and fair use. The bay is divided into lagoons, inlets and reefs. The participant visits each of these locations and moves through the slides to get a better understanding of that areas particular content. There are also six separate multiple choice quizzes that can be taken to help reinforce the concepts and give you feedback on which ideas you may need to work a little harder at understanding. The target group for this resource is educators, and I chose this resource because it was slightly more interactive then the other sights I found.
Digital Citizenship is a website for students that a classmate in another course had shared. I liked this site because it is a site that helps educators and parents understand how to teach children to use technology appropriately. I really enjoyed the Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship that lists the correct behaviors that help us all enjoy and use technology.
Security Concerns
Security issues envelop so many categories. We have to ask ourselves, what is that we are trying to protect students from; adult predators, identity thieves, or themselves? Once we have this answer, it will allow us as educators to put into effect the type of restrictions and helpful guidelines that keep students consciously applying the .
My big fear is that if you restrict access to specific sites and resources, some students will be intrigued to find out what lies beyond. This is why I feel it is so important to educate and inform students, so that they can make proper Internet use decisions. After all, many students spend more time on the computer then they do playing outside today.
Here are two sites that I find to be helpful when informing students about credibility and security. The first, http://kathyschrock.net/abceval/5ws.pdf, is by Kathy Schrock. She believes that “the ability to critically evaluate information is an important skill in this information age.” On this site there are many resources on how to critically evaluate blogs, podcasts, websites, and much more. She also has some basic computer and Internet education resources included as well.
This site, Evaluating Web Pages, has a page of helpful tips on how to verify if a web page is authentic and purposeful.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Current Topic: Integrate Web Application
Since I have to go through this work order process, I find it easier to locate and use web applications that do not need to be downloaded or installed on my computer. It is easier for me to have an account and sign in when I need to use the application. On my home computer I am a little weird about downloading and installing programs just to have them. If I am not going to use it on a monthly basis, I prefer not to take up my hard drive’s space, but that’s just me. The web application I found used, and fill has the most potential to be successful in my future classroom is www.dipity.com, an interactive timeline creator. This application can be used for any subject, though I was thinking of its use for science. I like the possibility of using this resource for students to create timelines of scientific process, as an experiment log, or for the creating the life cycles of fauna and flora. Even though I currently do not teach I can use Dipity in my current position. This tool could be used to create a general timeline of events that occur in our department, my administrative roles and responsibilities, so the next individual to take this position can have a template for their work load and the School of Education activities.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Adobe Air
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Google Calendar @ google.com/calendar
This is currently a tool I use with my job. It allows me to keep track of
the individuals I work for schedules and my own. They are distinguished by the colors I give them. It is nice to have a quick reference as to what my day will look like when I first log on to the computer in the morning.
World Sunlight Map @ die.net/earth
I find it fascinating to know that when it is dark in Alaska, that it is light in Europe and Asia. It is now 9:39pm and the shadow is just barely beginning to cover Juneau on the map.
Weather Station or Juneau @ code.google.com/p/pwsgadgets
Even though I know deep inside that the weather in Juneau is going to be 55 degrees, raining and overcast, I still find it necessary to see what Weather Underground has to say about the weather. I guess it helps give me hoe that just because the Fireweed has begun to bloom, that summer in Southeast Alaska isn't over.
Widgets, Oh Yeah!
Today in History, widgetbox.com/widget/today-in-history-lividbox, is a widget that allows readers of my blog, or myself in my iGoogle pages to read about history and learn or relearn facts about topics that occurred many years ago. I like the thought of being able to have students pick of the topics in this widget and do more research on them, and teaching the rest of the class about its significance, and how or if it did anything to influence the way we live our lives today. After reading this for a few days, it seems to me that some topics are more important then others, and I would probably disregard as important historically, but that is just my opinion.
Grammar Girl Quiz, widgetbox.com/widget/grammargirlquiz, is a widget that quizzes on proper grammar. I think I could really use some refreshing on correct grammar usage, and so could many other people. I added this widget more for myself then other people. Not all the questions are self explanatory, and basically choices will pop up and you have to pick the grammatically correct sentence. If you answer a quiz question incorrectly, Grammar Girl gives a brief explanation as to why you were wrong, and why the other grammatical answer is correct. After using this widget and completing the quiz, I soon realized that they wanted me to purchase other Grammar Girl materials. This widget does not upload new quizzes or questions, and I will not be using it in the future.
Nutrition Game for Kids, widgetbox.com/widget/nutrition-game-for-kids-nourishinteractive, is a widget that offers interactive games, that help reinforce proper eating habits and the food groups with children. Also available on the website are resources and tools for parents. The widget I attached to my blog is one of the games, it is memory. Each of the food groups is a color that coincides with its color on the food pyramid. Each level is timed, and depending on the level you choose, that determines how many tiles need to be matched. I did fine on the easy and tricky level, but it took a few tries before I passed the hard level. This widget and its corresponding website could be a great reinforcement tool for primary age students. If they can't read it's o.k. because the matching cards all have pictures on them as well as the food and food group.
The last widget I uploaded for this part of the assignment was, USA Smarts, widgetbox.com/widget/usa-smarts. As of now there are 44 rounds of multiple choice questions that have to do with the United States; its cities, landmarks and attractions. The nice thing about this widget is that players can add and provide feedback on the questions and challenge a friend. The quiz also gives little fun facts about the cities or states it asks the questions about. I don't know how many elementary students would know the answer to some of the questions but it sure would be fun to see out of my friends who gets the high score. I think other people who visit the blog will enjoy seeing just how much they know about the United States and just what they have forgotten over time too.
So the way I interpret these two definitions is that a Mashup is a web application that contains data from multiple sources and allows the viewer to acces all there data from source. I found three Mashups from the site mashupawards.com. This web site lists all sorts of Mashups that people have voted the best. From this site I choose the following three Mashups to explore in more depth, play.typeracer.com, triptouch.com, and kids.quintura.com.
Type Racer is a Mashup that allows individuals to practice their typing skills. It allows people to compete against themselves or others. The typing tests are timed and the game uses movie quotes generated from Amazon. I was only able to add this site to my social bookmarking tool, but there were no widgets to embed in my blog. Users do not need to sign up for an account, and to use this tool is free. This is a Mashup I will use again in the future, as I still look at the keys sometimes when I type, and really need to break myself of that habit.
Trip Touch is a travel Mashup, and has many of the same components as the other travel sites I've looked over. One added plus on this Mashup was the currency counter. As a traveler, it is always nice to know how the U.S. dollar is being converted to other countries. That could make or break a trip for me. If one wants to use this Mashup, you must register. I have so many new passwords and usernames, I'm not that interested in starting another, but heck, why stop now. I was able to add this Mashup widget to to my iGoogle Travel tab. I'm not sure how often I will refer to this, as I am pretty happy with some of the other travel applications I've found so far.
Quintura is a Mashup search engine for children. This Mashup would best be used in an Early Childhood classroom, as the graphics and cartoon look may not be appealing to intermediate or older children. I did notice though that when I searched for Polar Bears, the resources where basic and complex in definition and description. So if older children are able to look past the home page, it could be a success with them as well. I was able to embed this Mashup into my blog, and add it to my social bookmark delicious. I think it would be interesting to do a poll and evaluation with students to see which search engine they would enjoy the best, this or the Zoeybot web application I found previously.
Personal Web Applications
The other personal web application I researched was myfolia.com. This is basically a gardening diary. It allows me to store garden information; what I planted, when, soil type, location and any notes that I deem important. Again this is another social network too. Individuals can choose to share their gardens, tips and notes with each other. I added a widget to my blog and iGoogle home page. I added a few of the plants I have put into my garden this summer. The site also lets you upload photos of plants, and automatically searches for the plants as you begin to type in the plant name, this is a plus because it also includes the scientific name. I already know I need to pay better attention to my plant labels in the future, because I’m not sure I picked the right type of strawberry from the list, yikes! I can’t wait to use this application mainly for the annuals I buy every year. It will be nice to keep tabs on which plants took off, and those that didn’t.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Professional Web Applications
As suggested in our assignment I searched through the sites Patti graciously gave us and eventually found most of my web applications from the site www.go2web20.net. The first web application I found that related to elementary education was www.e-learningforkids.org. e-Learning for Kids is a global non-profit foundation that offers free online courses and lessons for children, ages 5-12. I was immediately happy when I realized I didn't have to install anything on my computer, and that this website would be available for students in a classroom with Internet service to use. There are lessons broken into subject category; math, science, English language, language arts, computer science and health science. I specifically looked deeper into the science section. I was a little disappointed with the amount of science lessons. However other subjects, like math, had many lessons to choose from, and were based on age level. While in the science category I chose to try out the lesson titled Conserving Earth's Resources. This semi-interactive unit gives vocabulary terms in relation to the topic, and leads the listener in sequential order through slides, that help define and explain what a resource is. The voice sounds like a intermediate aged student and doesn't seem to talk down to the listener either. All in all, I can't see this site as a web application that would accompany many of my lessons, but certainly could be one students could freely enter on their own in the classroom, without reservation.
The next web application I explored was www.dipity.com. This site allows people to make an interactive timeline that has the ability to be posted in ones blog. My main reason for choosing this application was for the specific use of having students make a timeline to help reinforce dates, and important times in history. I think students can create a timeline that represent their lives, historical inventions, scientific discoveries, and describe the most important influential periods of art. In order to create a timeline, one does have to sign up for an account, but other then that it is perfectly free and I did not have to download any software either. The features of the web application allowed me to create a timeline, and at each event I had the opportunity to attach a picture, description, video or link. The one draw back so far is that I can't seem to get the date I created the timeline off the timeline. Argh! I'm sure it's an option somewhere, all in time. It also appears that the timeline can be attached to ones blog if they so chose.
My third professional web application is zoeybot.com. This is a search application, like Google and Wikipedia, but specifically designed for kids. This application can be downloaded to classroom computers or accessed via the Internet. It is also free, yippee! Every one's favorite words. I found that this application is best suited for elementary aged students, as the pictures and definitions are a bit elementary for older students. Zoeybot, is developed by educators and parents to ensure that students can search for facts without being bombarded by ads and unnecessary content. I will definitely use this site as a resource in my elementary classroom.
Lastly, the last professional web application I investigated was www.pikikids.com. This site allows students to use Pikikids to create comics. I liked this site merely for fun, no particular subject or lessons came to mind. I thought it could possibly be a site that students could use during some free time in class. Participants do need a username and password, and this is relatively pain free and relatively little information is required. The creator is allowed to choose the comic layout, cell quantity and settings. Creators have the ability to upload photos, add text bubbles, and use a few effects as well. It is a very intuitive program and gives very detailed instructions. I would use this program in my classroom for sure.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Ning is a simply put together site, and has a search engine to look for other social groups, these vary from dance to music and football. I'm not sure if there is a social group that hasn't been created? Let me know if you come up with one. In the future I will be more likely to search for groups and topics of interest using Ning then I will be using Classroom 2.0.
Classroom 2.0 Further Review
Classroom 2.0 also allows an individual to download music to the site, but I didn't . I still have a hard time looking at this social network as anything other than a professional site. In delving into the option tabs at the top of the Classroom 2.0 page, I enjoyed the ability to join some different groups that have already formed and the possibility of eventually starting up my own group based off educational interests. I recently joined the "I heart Google" group, in which they discuss different ways Google can be used in a classroom with students.
The last feature I liked was the video's, I looked through a few pages, and found a few that would pertain to my interests, such as the video that discusses how to begin using second life. I am a novice when it comes to Second Life, and although I'm a member and have an avatar, I still know very little about its features.
I"m still not sure if this will be a social network I stick with in the future. I suspect it works really well for many people, but I may not be one of them. I have Classroom 2.0 on my Google Reader and that will help keep me utilizing the site for now.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Social Networking
Home Page Syndication
This week I joined http://del.icio.us/seidelna as my Social Bookmarking service as noted in the blog below and yesterday I made iGoogle my Home Page Syndicator. Since I already use the Google calendar, Blog and Picasa Web Albums options, I decided to keep things simple, located in one place, and most importantly in this stage of the game - remember only one password. I think that this could prove to be a timesaver by allowing a person to check all of there RSS feed sites in one place. It is helpful especially to know if they have been updated or not. I like having the option with iGoogle to have the weather, and news updates as well on my home page. In a few days I will report back on my experiences with the review of my syndicated resources.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Social Bookmarking
Joining the service was very simple, all I had to do was register by providing my full name, username, and password. Once logged in I began adding my desktop favorites and the sights I've discovered through my blog and wiki searches.
I added far more then five resources to my bookmarking service. Listed below are the five resources I chose to use to locate new sources from other del.icio.us subscribers and what I added to my account.
- Traveling Stories (http://www.traveling-stories-magazine.com/) which led to The Travel Rag (http://www.thetravelrag.com/)
- Teachers-Teachers (http://www.teachers-teachers.com/) which led to Space for Kids (http://www.gigglepotz.com/space.htm)
- Pandora Radio (http://pandora.com/) which led to NPR Radio (http://www.npr.org/)
- Wikia (http://www.wikia.com/wiki/Wikia) which led to Educational Wikis (http://educationalwikis.wikispaces.com/Examples+of+educational+wikis)
- Alaska Teacher Placement (http://www.alaskateacher.org/doku.php) which led to Educator's Reference Desk (http://www.eduref.org/)
This experience was helpful, I thought using my interests to find other resources a nice alternative to searching with Google. Most of the sight I found were appropriate for what I was looking for and I think the majority of the sights I found through social bookmarking will remain in my de.icio.us account. Using the tags was very helpful in finding the topics I was interested in. The only drawback I can think of is if someone doesn't label their tags the way my brain thinks. I look forward to exploring this resource much more in the future.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
These are a few reasons Elluminate is a great classroom or business tool...
- Allows for personal connection and interaction.
- Can increase productivity with real time feedback.
- It isn't terribly expensive.
- Allows for people from all over the world the opportunity to meet with out expensive travel or relocation.
- Instructors can give guided exercises, or professional can give proposals using the whiteboard or application sharing tools.
- Presenters can assess understanding and comprehension.
- Gives the ability for participants to use their voice to ask questions, and rephrase if necessary to make sure they understand concepts or ideas.
- And lastly, Elluminate allows for breakout sessions and group work.
I look forward to learning more about Elluminate and it's functions in our future classes. I hope to become more efficient with its functions, and in time feel more comfortable as a presenter with this tool.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wiki Findings
I have decided for this complete web quest assignment to keep my topics (professional & personal) the same. I think this will allow me to get a better idea if blogs or wikis best suit my needs. I started this search off with my personal interest, travel. Immediately I found World Wikia, http://world.wikia.com/wiki/World_Wikia. As with the travel blog I researched, this travel wikia sight is also categorized by continents. I went immediately to Asia, then searched Thailand, and ended up on Chang Mai. While looking over the Chang Mai wiki sight I noticed only one post was listed under the Hotels and Lodging section, so as our assignment asks us to do, I made an edit and added a guesthouse I stayed at in my travels in Chang Mai. The URL is http://world.wikia.com/wiki/Gap%27s_House:_Guest_House. I posted a brief description and the link to Gap's online. As a first time wiki editor, I had some minor problems. Well really, I didn't know what the heck I was doing. However today when I look at it, it looks just fine. I think they need to have better instructions or a tutorial to help out newbs like myself. Oh well, practice makes perfect.
I do plan on coming back to this wiki in the future. Mostly to see if anyone will have added to my edit, or deleted it. Also I will return and use World Wikia as a reference and search for more information for my next overseas travel.
In relation to my profession, I found a wiki that may be of interest to me in the future. This wiki is called Wikia - Science and Nature and is located at www.wikia.com/wiki/Science_and_Nature. I was happy to see that it not only had its main topic links (broad links) but also other links on more specific science or math topics. I began by checking the biology links on this wiki, but none of them were geared towards elementary education. So I tried the mathematics wikia which was nicely broken down into topics by educational level and concentration. Only after further exploration of this site, I decided these are not wikis I would post on or return too. It wasn't that the sights didn't look credible, but they just didn't have what I was looking for. The information was pertinent and correct, but not something I could easily use in a classroom.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Blog Site Review
The first site I reviewed was http://www.kidscience.com/. At first glance I was drawn to the site. Looking at it initially, I saw what I would consider a great lesson idea, and links about science resources and science units geared towards K-6 grades. Upon further review of the Backyard Jungle exercise, I became really excited at the fact that this was a practical idea, and the idea of being able to share each students backyard with others from around the world at the PBS Kids Backyard Jungle website was fantastic. I did not sign up for an account to further delve into the concept, but typically PBS doesn't disappoint me. What amazed me was that there were over 53,000 backyards in the Backyard Jungle database. This idea has already got my mind generating ideas for a future unit on our backyard ecology and it's importance in the balance of the ecosystem. Not only did the author, The Olson Family, list this idea, they also followed it up with other related books, resources, and games. This blog is really young, started in May of 2008, but I look forward to its continued evolution.
I found a second blog site designed towards science and children, http://www.sciencejunkies.com/. This is another relatively young blog, started in February. This website is not as organized as the last, and I didn't feel that it was something that I could use to formulate lessons or units, but use more like as a funny or silly facts to be shared with students on random concepts. For example, "It's a Gas" briefly describes the air that comes from our bottoms, and then includes links to delve deeper into the phenomenon known to many of us as passing gas. I can just see discussing this idea with a class of fourth and fifth graders. Could be pretty interesting none the less. Most of links take you to other sites that offer games or interactive activities for children. I need to explore this site more to see if it would be a blog I'd actually benefit using in the future.
Lastly, I chose to do my personal interest blog site on the act of traveling with the blog http://www.traveling-stories-magazine.com/. I have visited several countries and continue to be intrigued by other cultures, religions and history. I was very impressed with this bog. It had just what I was looking for. The blog was well organized and had topics listed by continent. Since I have been to Thailand, I began looking at the Asia posts. I soon realized that the site posts different writings from a multitude of travelers based on topics that range from a prison and hotel that are side by side in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia titled "A 5 Star Prison" to the trials of travel in "Lucky Woman." I found this site very intriguing, and honest. I loved reading about the places and adventures that other fellow travelers have been too and learn more about their experiences. I will continue to read this blog and possibly even subscribe to it in the future. I could see myself sharing with others about my travels to to Asia and Europe as well.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
blogcatolog.com vs. globeofblogs.com
To be honest, I found it difficult to find blogs that represented what I was looking for. We were asked to locate two blogs that would be purposeful in our profession and one blog site based off of personal interest (to come in my next post). I'm not sure if I wasn't searching with the right keywords, but the blogs that came up didn't meet my expectations. I may have the wrong idea of what this blog social scene is all about.
Of the two, http://www.blogcatalog.com/ or http://www.globeofblogs.com/, I preferred blogcatalog the best. When the web pages first appear my eyes are aesthetically pleased with blogcatalog. The web page flows and is easier to read. It appears that the web page uses the principles of design, unlike globeofblogs - where everything is in box's that all look the same. Globeofblogs is too uniform and difficult for me to distinguish what is what, and when I went to use the search option, it didn't work. I eventually found the weblog searches link and found the browse by topic and its breakdown affective. I think the ability to get ideas and information from other individuals in different countries is a wonderful concept as well.
However in the long run, I'm drawn by design and functionality more then the possibility of global idea exchange.